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Welch Allyn SureSight Vision Screener

  • The Welch Allyn SureSight Vision Screener is the first objective, accurate vision test that ensures reliable early detection of refractive error, the primary vision disorder in children.
  • Lights and sounds engage the patient's attention. Requires minimal cooperation, making it ideal for use on young children, the disabled, and in situations with a language barrier. Screens for common vision problems, including near and farsightedness, astigmatism and anisometropia. Compact, lightweight 2.0 pound unit can be easily carried anywhere.
Data Acquisition: Measures and averages 5 to 8 readings/eyeData Acquisition Time: 2.4 s/eyeMeasurement Range: Sphere .0 to -5.0 diopters. Cylinder 3 dioptersWorking Distance: 14 inches (35 cm)Battery Life: More than 3 hours of continuous usageLow-battery Indicator: Indicates ~ 15 minutes usage remainsTechnology: Welch Allyn proprietary Hartmann Shach autorefractor hardware/algorithmRS-232 port for future software upgrades and for interfacing with electronic medical records
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Welch Allyn Vision Screener

$5620 Add To Cart

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