The new Icare® TONOVET Plus is even easier to use than it’s successor. It features e.g. advanced user interface with clear, bigger display. Red/ green positioning lights help to find the correct angle and position to the middle of the cornea. Automatic measuring sequence lets you choose if you want to take single readings or take all 6 measurements by one press only. With TonoVet, a very light probe is used to make momentary contact with the cornea. The measurement is barely noticed by the patient, and often does not even cause corneal reflex.
No anesthetic is needed.
Enables rapid intraocular pressure measurements to be made from various species.
Features calibration tables for cat, dog, rabbit, and horse.
The device is small, handheld and portable.
The method is clinically tested and accurate, and the force applied to the eye is very small.
The single-use, disposable probe guarantees microbiological safety.
TONOVET is intended for use by general veterinary practitioners, veterinary ophthalmologists and other veterinary medical personnel.
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TonoVet PLUS Veterinary Tonometer
(includes 100 probes)
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